With Magna feast adult grain-free adult dry dog food we have a recipe crafted meet your adult pet’s evolving nutritional needs. This nutrient need diet is made with premium ingredients, protein rich meat blend, balanced mix veggies and fruits which is free from preservatives so that your pet’s holistic growth never takes a hit. HUMAN GRADE INGREDIENTS Magna feast prides itself on its high-quality ingredients fit for human and dog consumption alike CAREFULLY CRAFTED/CURATED Expertly made to master every meal discuss reference creation for culinary expertise. FARM TO TABLE Freshly and ethically sourced ingredients from the lush farms of UK brought to your dog in a nutrition rich bowl. HYPOALLERGENIC Magna feast is full of novel proteins, derived from rarer and pioneering sources of protein to ensure that it is hypoallergenic and thus suitable for all adult dogs.
Key Features
- ANTI-OXIDANTS :- Purifies blood with the power of 4 berries, making your pet’s immune system stronger.
- PREBIOTICS:- Helps in maintaining healthy bacteria in the gut, promoting good digestion.
- OMEGA-3 FATTY ACIDS:- Supports your pet’s cognitive functions, hair, skin and brain development.
- NOVEL PROTEIN:- Protects against skin infections and allergies, with its natural, hypoallergenic recipe.
- CALMING INGREDIENTS:- Charged with Chamomile that reduces anxiety to help in relaxing hyperactivity.
Bhargav Ventak –
Have been feeding my Dog since last 3 months and it has wondered magic on his Skin and Coat. Overall he has been very active and energetic more than before. Thanks for Magnafeast
Mohamed Arif –
My dog is in best shape and feels great ever since he is on Magnafeast. Strongly recommend.
Mausam Panchal –
I like the Ingredients Chicken, Antartic Krill, Turkey, Whitefish which are generally not available in any food. Best food🐾
Palkin –
My dog loved this food.
It has all the real ingredients which is human grade
After feeding this my dog is more active and healthy too
Raj –
Amazing product, started feeding my bruno this product and he’s been more active and healthy than ever before. Really was not sure if he would’ve adapt new food but it was easily palatable for him to adapt. I would recommend Magnafeast if you are looking for quality food for your pet in this price range. 10/10
Sharu –
my GSD is more energetic after starting this food, good protein content too
Prisha –
Amazing Food!!
Absolutely loved it.. he is a finicky eater yet finished the bowl. Highly recommend switching over to Magnafeast. Also I have noticed that I have to feed him less than my previous food, which is making a 2kg bag last longer than usual.. His energy levels have seen a huge boost as well.
Would highly recommend Magnafeast !!
Namrata (verified owner) –
Best Dog food my pet has ever eaten
Tanmesh Rastogi –
The product is absolutely amazing, my dog loves the smell and just jumps at packet when I open it.