
How to Groom a Siberian Husky

There used to be a time when Siberian Huskies were a rare sight in India; that’s not the case today. Nowadays, one can come across many Huskies across the nation, which is why the grooming of a Siberian Husky is now a topic that needs to be discussed.


Grooming is an extremely important aspect of your Husky’s well-being, as their physical state influences the way they feel. Siberian Huskies as a breed have double coats, and have 2 seasonal coats: a heavy winter coat, and a lighter summer coat. During the winter, Huskies will have an incredibly thick and fluffy coat, which helps them keep nice and toasty warm. The same thick coat also makes them vulnerable to overheating in hot weather. At least once a year, a Husky sheds its entire undercoat. The process takes up to 6 weeks from start to finish. Here are some grooming steps you should take to maintain your Husky’s health.



The most critical step to maintain a Husky’s coat is regular brushing. Their undercoat is very thick, and many owners typically don’t brush their pets thoroughly enough, which can lead to tangles and a matted coat. Start with a wide-toothed comb to break up the matted parts, then proceed to brush with a slicker brush in the direction of the hair growth. Pay special attention to matted sections and tangles. You can loosen them with a detangling spray or conditioner. You can also use an undercoat rake to remove dead fuzzy undercoat.



Since Huskies naturally shed and re-grow their coats based on the temperature they live in, they don’t produce excess oil. Therefore, they don’t need to be bathed very often. However, you do need to bathe a Husky when they start to smell, or when their coat starts to get matted. Make sure to use a mild, long-coat shampoo, followed with a conditioner. Rinse your Husky’s coat thoroughly. You can even use a waterless shampoo to clean between baths.



Dental hygiene is a must, and shouldn’t be ignored. Plaque build-up and tooth decay can lead to your Husky ceasing to eat, which creates various medical problems. Start brushing your Husky’s teeth at an early age using a finger brush and toothpaste (which is specially designed for pets). You can also use dental wipes or plaque sprays. If your Husky does not allow you to use the aforementioned products, you can give plenty of dental treats, which will clean their teeth clean.



Ideally, you shouldn’t have to trim a Husky’s nails if they are well exercised. However, if you can hear the nails on the floor while they are walking, trimming them is a good idea. Trimming the nails around once a month is a good idea, if necessary. Trim just above where the pink portion of the nails end, making sure not to cut the pink area called the quick.



Keeping your Husky’s eyes and ears clean of dust and dirt is important, as this will prevent infections. You should clean your Husky’s eyes with eye cleaning wipes. To clean your Husky’s ear, you can use an ear cleaning solution or ear wipes. You should also trim the hair under the paws to keep it neat and clean, and to improve the Husky’s grip on various surfaces.



You should never shave a Husky. Shaving your Husky’s coat does more harm than good, as the fur protects their skin from sunburn. A Husky will shed its coat when the temperature is too high.


Here are some other grooming tips to keep in mind!

  • Start brushing your Husky at an early age, so that they learn to relax and enjoy it.
  • Avoid clipping your Husky’s whiskers, as they use their whiskers to sense motion and objects. Only clip if advised by a vet.
  • You should make sure to brush areas that are prone to matt easily, like the tail, around the legs, and the stomach.


A well-groomed Husky will always feel and look happier and healthier, and there’s no better time to bond with your beauty of a Husky!


-By Poorvi Anthony